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Will you have livstock/horses?

Thanks for registering! See you there!

  1. IMPORTANT- If emergency vehicles (ambulances, police, personal vehicles with green flashing lights) need through parade route, please pull over to the extreme right and stop until vehicle(s) has passed.

  2. Upon arrival at the parade registration tent, you will be given a coloured number identifying the category you have entered.

  3. Absolutely NO THROWING of candy or giveaways – these must be handed out by walkers on both sides of the street. Please do not encourage our children to leave the curbs.

  4. We suggest that horse drawn vehicles have walkers/spotters alongside the team.

  5. (Parking details to be communicated the day of the event)                                                  b) Return to the staging area via. the route on the map supplied at registration the day of the event. Please email if there are any questions regarding the parade route

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